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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Mug Sleeve

Mug Sleeve

Honestly, I don't quite understand the point of these.  I just think they're ridiculous, unnecessary, and make your mug look cute. 

So, I thought I would try to knit myself one to see if I would like it or not.

This is for a standard size mug.

What you will need:
  • 10.5 / 11 gauge knitting needles
  • Thicker Gauge Yarn
  • Place  Marker
  • Sewing Needle / Crochet Hook
Cast On 30.
Stockinette Stitch 3.25"
With a needle or crochet hook, sew sides.  And be sure to leave a hole for the handle.  I took my favorite mug and used that.  Placed a marker where the handle started and ended and sewed the sides together, weaved yarn to the next marker and then sewed the rest.  Voila!!  You have a sleeve for your mug, now your fingers won't burn, or whatever their purpose is.  I have a thing for buttons, so I added a couple to this to pretty-it-up a little bit.

When putting mug into sleeve, place handle in first, then the rest should slip on without trouble.

Thanks for reading. :)

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